Monday, October 30, 2006



“Don’t be rollin up in the Ham…..cus we be bus’n caps!!!”

1. St. Louis
2. Detroit
3. Flint, Mich.
4. Compton, Calif.
5. Camden, N.J.
6. Birmingham, Ala.
17. Atlanta
22. Little Rock, Ark.
73. Montgomery, Ala.
93. Huntsville, Ala.
143. Mobile, Ala.
146. Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Without further ado... I give you the 6th most dangerous city in the whole U.S. of A. The HAM!!! That’s right Birmingham, Alabama is #6……I knew that I had bars on my windows and a security alarm for some reason. This list only reflects the cities that report their crime. Click Here for the entire list in reverse order from least to greatest crime rate. On that note….Why in the hell would you put out a list in reverse order? Who cares which city is safest…jeez!! Notice my list is reverse of thier reverse list…..mmmmm…hmmmm

I actually found a fired round on my back porch when I moved in 4 years ago. It was just the bullet. My guess was a shot fired in the air and it landed on my back porch. Grrreeat…..(story snagged from DRUDGE)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you posted this. I hope that our Atlanta friends take note. Whenever I complain to them about the saftey issues in our Birmingham neighborhood. They just say that I'm overreacting and there is crime everywhere and that it is nothing compared to Atlanta. My point is that when they lived in the Ham, they lived in Mountian Brook... That is their frame of reference for crime in the neighborhood. A crime in Mountian Brook is failing to plant seasonal color for the winter. So, Laura and Brian, proof that I'm not just a weeney. My hood made it in the top 10. Your big city version of Wysteria Lane barely made it in the top 20.
Ridin' Dirty in the Ham

...j... said...

Your right we must e-mail this post to Brian and Laura!

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